72% of people in Nairobi fall under a salary scale of Ksh. 24000 (USD 23) and below

inspired by #TheChamwadaReport

Nairobi is a densely populated city and if 72% of them live below Ksh.24000 (USD 23 a month) then it means there are 2.422 million people in Nairobi living like this. This is not living; this is existing and merely surviving. With this kind of income, many are left with no option but to live in the slums. It is a no wonder the slum situation seems to be growing in Nairobi. This in turn transforms to insecurity.

There are many graduates in Nairobi who are jobless. Those who have jobs work so hard and get very little compensation for the same. The harder one works, the least they earn. Yes, life is indeed unfair. One would think that hard work pays off… not in Nairobi. In fact the hardest working people are the ones who go home with the least income. Don’t get it wrong, this is not to say that one cannot get wealthy by hard work. It is just that most people working hard are not getting the returns that they deserve.

Maybe what most should do is work smart instead. That is to say, think rich, work smart and grow wealthy. It is possible. Everything is possible if you believe. So what these people need to do is to get goals. After setting goals, they need to work at it. Most people dream then think they cannot achieve their dreams. They therefore remain where they are or worse still get even deeper into poverty. These poverty levels can only go down if people believe in themselves. The notion of waiting for the government to do something about their lives is far-fetched. If one sits around doing nothing about their situation waiting for the government to elevate their living standards then that is one person who will die poor.

Being poor is not such a bad thing. Onecan still be happy while poor. But they may not be able to comfortably afford the basic needs in life. People need to stop being comfortable with little and start looking for more. True, jobs may be scarce and the economy may be bad but, if one truly wants to get out of poverty, they can. Many wealthy people in the world today come from nowhere.  They had a dream and they had courage and determination to follow their dreams. One such person is the President of United States of America, Barack Obama.


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