In a Modern Industrialized Society is it still possible to be both Poor and Happy

Happiness is a state of mind. It is a decision that one needs to constantly make. Yes it is possible to be both poor and happy in a modern industrialised society. It reminds me a soap opera that aired on TV when I was just a little child dabbed “The Rich also Cry”. There are countless of very rich people who are extremely unhappy. On the other hand, there are several poor people who are always happy.

Just to bring the point home, think of a time in your life when you had the most money. Where you happier at that time than when you had the least money? If your answer is yes, then what is it that you did with that money that made you happy? If your answer is no, you will probably agree with the saying, “The best things in life are free!” Look around you and you will notice that the happiest people are actually those who struggle to make ends meet.

Look at it in a different light; are all poor people unhappy? Are all rich people happy? It is true, money buys comfort and security, but it does not make anyone happy. Happiness comes from within. If a person chooses to be happy, their wealth or lack of it will not stand in their way. However, if a person chooses not to be happy, the amount of their wealth will not change their attitude.

Money causes diminishing returns in happiness and as the subjective well-being rises with income, income has little or no effect on happiness beyond a certain threshold. This law of diminishing returns has been experienced by many wealthy people and not any happier than poor people. Unfortunately, many wealthy people are downright unhappy. Happiness pegged on material things wears off.

Money brings short term happiness; once the money element is gone, so does the happiness. True happiness on the other hand exists with and without money. Whether one is rich or poor they can experience true happiness. Poverty may cause one to be unhappy when they are not able to afford basic things in life. The modern industrialised society does not make things any easier. People tend to be looking for wealth come hell or high water. But one should not mistake and think that they will be happier if they had more money.

The true sources of happiness are work, recreation, love, and worship. The Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen, once wrote:

“Money may be the husk of many things, but not the kernel.
It brings you food, but not appetite;
Medicine, but not health;
Acquaintances, but not friends;
Servants, but not faithfulness;
Days of pleasure, but not peace or happiness.”


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