Baby Sleep Safety Tips

Getting a new born baby is a blessing. Most parents are usually overjoyed except for those who did not plan to have the baby at the time the baby arrives. All in all, there is the need to keep baby safe especially when they are sleeping. A new born baby spends most of his/her time sleeping. That is how they grow. It is indeed very sad that infants aged 12 months and below suffer sudden infant death syndrome or accidental suffocation. Below are some tips that you can follow in order to avoid this tragedy.

Parents and guardians should practice the ABCs of Sleep: babies are required to sleep Alone, on their Backs in a Crib that is safety approved at all times be it night time or just nap time. Most people are of the idea that a baby should sleep on their tummy. This is quite dangerous as the baby can accidentally suffocate and since they may not be able to turn themselves, they may end up dying.

Always ensure that the mattress is firm and well-fitted. You can test it by trying to place your fingers between the sides of the mattress and the baby crib. If more than two fingers can fit in there, then the mattress is too small. So do not be too fast on making that purchase, inspect the baby crib as it may turn out to be the death trap.

As much as you may want to entertain the baby and make them comfortable, ensure that there is nothing else on their crib except the baby.  Things like the pillows, wedges, stuffed animals, bumper pads, quilts or blankets should be put away when baby is sleeping. These are number one causes of accidental suffocation.

Now you may wonder, how can baby sleep without a blanket? Won’t they feel cold? Well you may consider using a wearable blanket instead of blankets. They come in the form of a sleep sack or footed sleeper. You should also ensure the room is warm and the baby is warm enough before they sleep.

Last but not least, mothers should not smoke during pregnancy. Additionally, babies should not be exposed to smoke. Their body systems are still too weak and exposure to certain elements such as smoke especially when they are sleeping can lead to their sudden death. This should actually be the first point, considering it affects the baby even before they are born.


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