Benefits of giving your infant a massage

The sense of touch is the most developed sense from delivery. Touch is one of the ways that a parent and their baby can communicate and form a lasting loving relationship. Giving your infant a massage is capable of creating a special bond and connection between you.

Benefits of giving your infant a massage include:
  • Increased self-esteem and self-awareness for the infant.
  • Massage promotes happiness and self-worth which will stay with a child.
  • Baby feels more at ease and calm as it brings a sense of peace and promotes relaxation for the infant.

Bonding and connecting
Massage increases an infant’s self-esteem and self-awareness. A gentle massage creates a loving connection and strengthens the bond and love between parent and baby, by bringing them closer together. A baby that is massaged is likely to grow into an individual that is caring and compassionate that can form loving relationships with others. Bonding and connecting with baby is vital for her development and well-being.

Love and happiness
Massage promotes happiness and self-worth which will stay with a child. The benefits of massage may be seen as the infant evolves into a happy, connected and well-rounded individual. The soft touch from a parent makes an infant feel cared for, as well as making her feel of great importance. Massage promotes happiness, as a baby that is nurtured and cared for in such a way feels content and loved. Massaging baby is a good way to make her feel relaxed and close to her parent.

Early form of communication
Babies are naturally sociable, and are interested in the world around them. The sense of touch is a form of communication between parent and baby that builds on their relationship. Touch communicates the love and care that the parent has for their precious baby, which is vital for healthy emotional development. Sharing this special time together allows parent and baby to connect in a deeper way, to be able to understand each other and form a bond of trust.

It can take a while for baby to settle and adjust to the world around her. Giving a gentle massage can make baby feel more at ease and calm in the early weeks. Massage brings a sense of peace and promotes relaxation. A soothing massage can help to relieve stress and tension which even a baby can be subject to. Relaxation is essential in today’s times, even for babies.

Health benefits
Massage can help baby feel calmer and relaxed, which can promote healthier sleep patterns. A relaxed baby is likely to settle to sleep more easily and may get better rest. This in turn will increase alertness during waking hours, enabling baby to absorb and process information more effectively. Stimulation from massage can have a positive impact on general health and well-being, and improve overall health. Massage can also relieve any discomfort that baby may be experiencing.

Both parent and baby benefit from the closeness and special time that is experienced through massage. Massaging baby forms a special shared time that strengthens the bond between parent and baby. It allows both to feel connected, as well as bringing a sense of calm for both. Massage can help baby to feel relaxed, secure, content and loved.


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