It is all up to you - Joy, Happiness and Achievements

It was almost one year since Jackie gave birth to her beautiful baby girl. The baby daddy had not yet seen this baby or done anything for her. In desperation, Jackie called him for assistance since she was going through a rough patch in her life; she was jobless and could hardly pay her bills.  Her baby Daddy disappointed her. He did not respond to her pleas. “I don’t have money!” he said.

There was a time in Jackie’s life when she had all the money. She led a very comfortable life. She did not lack anything. But you see life changes. You can never know what tomorrow holds. If someone told Jackie that she would become a single mother and jobless, with no source of income, she could have laughed it off because she had never pictured herself without a source of income let alone being a single mother.

Jackie did not despair; she made one decision to make sure that her daughter never lacks anything. She went down on her knees and poured out her heart and hurt to God. She cried unto the Lord and asked Him to guide, protect, provide and to prosper her and her daughter. She dedicated her daughter to the Lord god Almighty. Then she set out to look for a job. It was not easy at first, but she was determined. She had no choice. No one was going to do it for her except herself.

She landed a sales job and soon enough, she was making a lot of money. In fact, she was making more than she thought she would. She began to look at life differently, she realized her situation made her get out of her comfort zone and now she was living her dream. She worked really hard at work and made sure she also spent quality time with her daughter. Life was so good that she even forgot how hard it was for her to make ends meet four years ago.

As she was preparing for her daughter’s fifth birthday, she started remembering how she slept hungry a couple times and how her baby would cry out of hunger on several occasions. Now her baby is all grown, healthy and very happy. She is the joy in her life. She gives thanks to God every time for this wonderful gift.  

One lesson she learned from this experience, is that if her baby daddy offered his assistance, there is a very large possibility she could have still been depending on him and, worse still, maybe she could still be struggling with finances.  She knows that it is not good to depend solely one another person to provide for her. What if something happens to that person, what will then become of her? Or what if that person withdraws their help? What next.

Success is achievable. You first need to think of it, dream it, believe it and then go for it. Look back into your life and see where you are now. Is it not as a result of the life choices you have made? You can get whatever you want in life. You are the one who creates obstacles to your success. It is all up to you.


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