How to Leave the Dressing Room with your self Esteem Intact

Self-esteem is very important in for everyone in everyday life. Lack of it can cause one to miss out on opportunities simply because they lack the confidence. Worse still, one can miss great career advances, losing a life partner, and so forth because of low self-esteem.  One of the easiest ways to lose self-esteem is to have doubts about your abilities or strengths. When you do not believe in yourself, you can easily be persuaded by negative attitude or energy that would make you lose confidence and hence, self-esteem. The dressing room is one place that most people tend to lose their self-esteem more easily than any other place.

 One thing that you should keep intact before going to the dressing room is; being comfortable with yourself. When you are comfortable with yourself, other people’s comments or statute cannot make you lose confidence in yourself. However, if you already feel inadequate, you are most probably going to lose your self-esteem when you get to the dressing room.

You should strive to concentrate on your positives rather than your negatives. The dressing room tends to have a lot of criticism sand they are sometimes gear towards the negative. People may talk without giving much attention to the effect this has on other people in the dressing room. If you listen to everything being said, especially about you, then you should be able to invest on the positive and pay less attention on the negative. This is unless of course, the negative is something that you can comfortably change and with little effort.

Do not aim to be like someone else. We were all created differently and what works for one person does not necessarily have to work for you. You are your own unique individual and with your own unique nature. You should therefore not envy another person because chances are, they could be jealous of you. As you try to be like them, they could also be working so hard to be like you. Unfortunately, if you keep trying to be like other people, you may be greatly disappointed leading you to have low self-esteem.
You should think highly about yourself and treat yourself well. You stand a chance of being treated even better by the world, more so in the dressing room. When you have only positive energy around you, your faults, if any, can hardly be noticed. People tend to see what you are feeling and concentrate on it. The same way a happy person makes people smile and a sad person makes people frown unknowingly, self-esteem can be felt by the people around you.

So when you go into the dressing room, get clothes that fit you well because that is one way of making look good. You will also realise that your confidence is lifted when you are in your right clothes size.


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