Safest and most effective way of getting rid of a pregnancy
Unwanted pregnancy is what most people call it. And because is it
unwanted, they are always looking for ways of getting rid of it. Try Google search for abortion and I assure you, you will get about 59 million search
results while life will give you about 5 million search results. Therefore,
abortion seems to be a very popular topic.
While the methods of doing an abortion are varied and with even more
varied outcomes; some expected and some not, women who want to get rid of their
pregnancies always debate on what to use. There are some methods that are life
threatening while some methods just don’t work. For example, a woman who uses a
method that sucks out the embryo out of her womb and ends up having her entire
uterus sucked out. This woman can never have another child again. Sad news is
that she may not even be aware that her uterus is gone.
How about the one who uses medicine that is supposed to flush out the
embryo? She ends up bleeding for days and her pregnancy continues to grow. In
fact, she only realizes when three months later that she’s not on her regular
periods and her tummy has significantly become big. And if she’s keen, she will
also realize that there is a child growing inside of her. And then there are
the unfortunate ones who end up losing their lives in the hands of quacks while
trying to have an abortion.
Having said that, then which method is the safest and yet most effective
way of getting rid of unwanted pregnancy? The best way of getting a solution is
to first ask yourself why is the pregnancy unwanted? Is it because you are
still in school and under your parent’s roof and you think life is over? Is it
because you already have too many children and this one is just adding the
list? Is it because you are climbing that corporate ladder and this child is
just going to slow you down? Is it because you are not married and you are
afraid of being a single mother? Look around, there are plenty of single
mothers out there and they are doing just fine.
You see, those who do not want to be pregnant do not engage in sex. But
when you have sex you should expect the consequences such as being pregnancy.
It’s more or less like eating; when you eat, you expect to be full. And oh yes,
there is nothing like an accident; what is so accidental in engaging in sex? OK
fine, there those who are victims of rape. My advice would be give birth and
give up the child for adoption. That child will find a good home and you will
not have to worry about them nor see them if you don’t want to.
Therefore, the safest and most effective way of getting rid of a
pregnancy is by carrying it to term and giving birth either the natural way or
through a caesarean section. This is the only way you can be sure you have
gotten rid of that pregnancy completely. Furthermore, it is very safe; it has
absolutely no side effects.
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