
Showing posts from July, 2015

Baby Sleep Safety Tips

Getting a new born baby is a blessing. Most parents are usually overjoyed except for those who did not plan to have the baby at the time the baby arrives. All in all, there is the need to keep baby safe especially when they are sleeping. A new born baby spends most of his/her time sleeping. That is how they grow. It is indeed very sad that infants aged 12 months and below suffer sudden infant death syndrome or accidental suffocation. Below are some tips that you can follow in order to avoid this tragedy. Parents and guardians should practice the ABCs of Sleep: babies are required to sleep Alone, on their Backs in a Crib that is safety approved at all times be it night time or just nap time. Most people are of the idea that a baby should sleep on their tummy. This is quite dangerous as the baby can accidentally suffocate and since they may not be able to turn themselves, they may end up dying. Always ensure that the mattress is firm and well-fitted. You can test it by trying...

Untimely Death

Death is certain but the Bible speaks about untimely death! Make a personal reflection about this..... Very interesting, read until the end...... It is written in the Bible (Galatians 6:7):'Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man sow, that shall he also reap. Here are some men and women who mocked God : John Lennon (Singer): Some years before, during his interview with an American Magazine, he said: 'Christianity will end, it will disappear. I do not have to argue about that. I am certain.Jesus was ok, but his subjects were too simple, today we are more famous than Him' (1966). Lennon, after saying that the Beatles were more famous than Jesus Christ, was shot six times. Tancredo Neves(President of Brazil ): During the Presidential campaign, he said if he got 500,000 votes from his party, not even God would remove him from Presidency. Sure he got the votes, but he got sick a day before being made President, then he ...

Coca Cola: what is does to your body in 60 minutes

You love Coca-Cola, you take it when you are thirsty, with meals, or occasionally. If you knew what it does to your body just one hour after consumption, you wouldn’t love it so much anymore. An Indian scientist, Niraj Naik, recently revealed the harmful effect coke has on the body.     First 10 minutes Your system takes in 10 teaspoons of sugar. This is 100% of your daily recommended intake. Usually, you would vomit from the overwhelming sweetness. Instead, phosphoric acid cuts the flavour allowing you to keep it down. 20 minutes in Your blood sugar spurs, causing an insulin burst. Your liver, not wasting any time, responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. At this point, there’s plenty of sugar in your body. 40 minutes in The body completes the absorption of caffeine. Your blood pressure rises, your pupils dilate, subsequently, your liver dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. You will not be drowsy since the adenosine r...

How to Cook a Jacket Potato in the Oven

A jacket potato is also a baked potato.  When well cooked, a baked potato has a crisp skin and a fluffy interior. There are several ways of serving it. My favourite is with fillings and condiments such as butter, cheese or ham. Ingredients 4 large potatoes 4 knobs butter 100g (4 oz) grated cheese 1 carrot, grated Directions To cook a jacket potato in the oven, start off by preheating the oven to 130 C.   As the oven heats up, scrub the potatoes and then pat them dry with paper towels. Prick them with a fork three or four times on different places. Put the potatoes in the baking tin and put in the oven. Cook the potatoes for 15 minutes until tender. Remove them from the oven and then cut a slice lengthwise halfway through each potato. Add a knob of butter to each potato. Mix cheese and carrots in a bowl and then divide them equally among the potatoes. Return them to the oven for 5 minutes or until cheese is melted and bubbly. Serve immediatel...

An Overview of Waste Policy and Laws in the UK

The waste policy and laws in the UK keeps on changing in order to ensure that waste is managed in a manner that does not impact negatively on the environment. With approximately 290 million tonnes of waste  produced each year in the UK, the waste policy’s  design is geared towards a zero waste economy. An example of waste is methane emissions. This is one of the major contributors to the environmental hazard. It can harm our environment and damage communities if not well managed. The Government is on the forefront fighting against waste damage and ensures that all materials produced are disposed of safely. The waste policy is designed to cost effectively manage waste in a manner that does not negatively impact on the environment. It is no wonder that significant changes have been made on how waste is produced and disposed of in the UK. This has been largely driven by EU waste laws since the 2000 Waste Strategy for England and Wales’s publication. In 2007, the government...

The importance of hand washing with soap

Dear Mother, I take this opportunity to educate you about the importance of hand washing with soap. Children should be taught to wash their hands on five key occasions: before eating breakfast, lunch and dinner, after visiting the toilet and during their bath. This culture should be instilled in them so that even as they grow they continue with it. Did you know that over five children die every day due to diarrhoea? It is worse in Africa. Diarrhoea cases are often times caused by contaminated food and/or water. If you can get children to wash their hands before handling food and after visiting the toilet, they can be protected from this deadly disease. As a mother, you also need to wash your hands before preparing food at all times. Avoid giving children foods and drinks that may be contaminated. It is also your duty to educate other adults who may be ignorant of this fact. Take charge and save innocent lives! Always, MinZeph.

Intel and Micron 3D XPoint technology

Intel and Micron jointly announced a new memory class; their 3D XPoint technology.  Since the introduction of NAND technology in 1989, this is the first major new memory technology. During the unveiling, they claimed that this technology is 1,000 times faster, with 1,000 times greater durability and is 10 times denser than the conventional memory. This is indeed a very rare breakthrough in technology. This memory is said to be faster than a flash storage. Intel and Micron have already begun production of this non-volatile new class 3D XPoint technology which will no doubt bring great competition to NAND. Today, NAND is the most popular non-volatile memory with consumers in the marketplace. These will be rolled out to select consumers possibly towards the end of this year or early next year. "For decades, the industry has searched for ways to reduce the lag time between the processor and data to allow much faster analysis," said Rob Crooke, general manager and senio...

How to get Rid of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are often caused by rapid weight gain or weight loss. Most people think that it is pregnancy alone that causes them. Unknown to many, they can also be caused by exercising too much. So beware, while looking for health and beauty, you may gaining unwanted marks on your skin. Rapid weight gain or swift muscle development causes the skin to stretch beyond its breaking point thus, producing those little marks on the skin. Weight loss on the other hand, makes the skin to wrinkle more than producing those little marks. There are women out there who love their marks since they view them as an honour; mostly to motherhood. There are some people however who would do anything to get rid of them. Prevention is better than cure and in this case, it no different. These marks tend to occur on dry skin. Proper skin care should be adhered to in order to avoid dry skin. You should eat a well-balanced diet and drink plenty of water. Avoid substances that dehydrate the skin s...

How care givers in rest homes should treat the elderly

Care givers in rest homes have been entrusted by the families of the elderly to provide the best care for their loved ones. Rest homes, often times come as the last resort for a family with an elderly person. Generally, people take their elderly family members to rest homes because they believe that these members will get the much deserved attention and care while at the rest home. Care providers should treat them by observing: Comfort The elderly in most cases depend on the care provider for support in almost everything that they do. Their comfort should be a priority. Understanding their needs and responding in good time is of paramount importance. Those who care for them should ensure that they do not have bed sores, provide extra cushions, ease their pain, smile and be cheerful.   Protection The patients need to be protected and made to feel secure. Bed-ridden and the vulnerable patients may need physical protection from the other patients in order to keep them s...

Jojoba Oil - Natural Moisturizer

There are many products available for moisturizing the skin and each one claim to be the best. However, jojoba oil, also known as deer nut, coffeeberry, wild hazel, pignut, quinine nut, gray box bush, Goat Nut, and with the botanical name Simmondsia chinensis, is one of the best moisturizers for skin and hair. Jojoba oil comes from a leathery-leafed shrub that grows up to 7 feet tall and is native to the Southwestern and Northern America. Although it is called oil, jojoba oil is actually a wax ester that comes from the little seeds of the plant. Of all the compounds in nature, it is the most similar to human skin oil (sebum), and therefore does not clog pores. This natural wonder can be used  in many different ways to moisturize. Moisturizer Jojoba oil can provide all-day moisture to your skin because it does not evaporate the way other moisturizers do. Although it has not been proven it is believed that because it is so similar to human skin oil, it can fool the skin in...

What is variant swine flu H3N2?

Humans were infected by a virus that circulates in pigs. This virus is known as the variant swine flu H3N2. Since they are not originally human viruses, they are referred to as variant viruses.  They are simply known as influenza viruses when they circulate in pigs. So how did pig viruses attack the human race? Well, do not be mistaken, you cannot get the virus by eating pig products that are infected with the virus. People get infected with swine flu just the same way as any other influenza infection. The only difference is adaptation to the new organism. Statics show that since July 2012 there has been an increase on the number of people infected by the virus; 297 people from 12 different states were reported to have been infected with an influenza A H3N2 variant virus  (H3N2v). In 2011, only 12 people were infected with the virus in the same states. So if you find yourself with a “different” kind of flu, rush to get a check-up just to be sure. Better safe than sorry...

What an IBPS Clerk Exam is and how to pass it

Image from IBPS Exam Series Website The Indian government gave the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection also known as IBPS, responsibility for recruiting personnel into Indian public banks. An IBPS Clerk Exam is an entry level exam taken by hopefuls who seek for possible placemen in either of the 20 public sector banks or several rural regional banks in India. The Clerk Exam has gone through some changes from 2012 whereby, five major changes were rolled out . This includes the eligibly criteria making graduation a must for applicants, changes in examination structure, 20 public sector banks as opposed to 19 since IDBI joined the list, common interviews to be conducted after taking the written exam and last but not least, IBPS Clerk Exam 2012 was offered Online. In so doing, the exam will no longer be offered Offline (Pen,Paper). Applicants will have to use a Computer System in order to do the exam. Students or applicants preparing for this exam need to be update re...

Five deadly terms used by women

When I first saw this poster, I was left in stitches! It is so true, it hurts. Well, I know from personal experience that it is indeed true because I have used some of those words before when I meant something totally different. Well, not so different, the meanings are exactly as they are in the poster. Especially saying “that’s OK and fine” I don’t know about the wow… maybe we use that too!! I know all men will be in agreement that those are the five deadly terms used by women but are the ladies of the same opinion? I would like to point out that It is not always true that when these five terms (fine, nothing, go ahead, whatever, that’s OK and wow) are used by a lady they always mean something else. There are times when we, ladies, actually mean what we say. So a man should be able to understand his lady to know when she means the opposite of what she is saying or when she actually means exactly what she is saying. When a woman says ‘nothing’, then it is definitely somet...

Presidents Obama and Uhuru on Gay rights during a press conference in Kenya

In a joint press conference held on Saturday 25 th July 2015 in Nairobi, the Unites States of America president Barrack Obama lectured the president of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta on gay rights. "When you start treating people differently not because of any harm they are doing to anybody, but because they are different, that's the path whereby freedoms begin to erode," he continued to say "And bad things happen." Despite many Kenya leaders discouraging Obama on discussing gay rights when he visited the country for the first time, Obama did not shy off. In fact, he equated legalized discrimination of gays to legalized racism in America. "And when a government gets in a habit of people treating people differently, those habits can spread. As an African-American, I am painfully aware of what happens when people are treated differently under the law." Obama stated. Kenyatta made it very clear that although the U.S and Kenya share many comm...

How to get and maintain long eyelashes without spending a fortune

Thick long eyelashes are every woman’s desire. They are said to be gorgeous and full of glossy life. On the human face, they are the most flattering feature compared to the others. There are women who spend a fortune on products that promise to give then thick, long dark eye lashes. Sad to say, there are those who even spend their life savings in order to achieve this look. Whichever the case, below are some tips that can help you achieve and maintain long eyelashes without spending a fortune. How to get and maintain long eyelashes using mascara: to get and maintain long eyelashes using the right mascara is very important. Good mascara for this task has the label “lash lengthening”. So next time you go shopping ensure you pick one with that label. This is how you achieve that gorgeous look; Touch the tips of your lashes with the mascara using the end of the mascara wand. Do not forget the lashes at the corner of your eyes. Skip the bottom lashes. Let it dry. You can then app...


The New and Revised Standards of meaningful use stage 2 requirements were recently released. The core items of this legislation are as follows:   Patients are provided online access to their health information through a web portal on 50% of the occasions. Further 10% unique patients actually view, download or transmit that data to a third party. Successful on going submission of electronic immunization data from certified Electronic Health Record technology to an immunization registered is now a requirement. Previously on stage 1, only a test was acceptable. Practitioners are supposed to provide a summary of care record for 65% of transitions of care during referrals or transfer of patient care settings. They are also required to electronically transmit 10% across Electronic Health Records vendor types and organizations. This measure is a combination of Stage 1 core items (problem list, active medication list and active ...


Health care givers who use these systems therefore enjoy the added advantage of the inclusion of the PHR. This makes is easy for them to fulfil the meaningful use requirements. The health care givers who do not however use the above mentioned EMR system solutions need not worry. There are several PHR solutions that are offered online and for free. Most of these solutions have the interoperability feature which most EMR system solutions lack. For instance, Epic Lucy PHR which does not rely on the Epic platform in order to run and can be accessed online. Another example is the Microsoft HealthVault which can be used to access health information even in the absence of an EMR system. Health care givers have no excuse therefore when it comes to implementing the meaningful use requirement of giving patients access to their health records upon request. There are however some obstacles with the PHR; in the section where patients can enter their own data into a free-standing personal hea...

athenaHealth athenaClinicals EMR Software Review

The athenaClinicals is a low-investment, high return electronic health record (EHR) solution. It has grown rapidly to become possibly the leading Cloud-based, ambulatory care service provider. Athenahealth helps medical practices, large and small, get more money and more control thus, boost productivity. Physicians using athenaClinicals see an average of 3.4% (based on a six month survey) increase in patient visits compared with a reported 10-15% decrease across the industry recently. This EMR sosftware solution is very low maintenance, customizable, and offers many services that you will not get with most vendors on the market. Seeing that it has over 23,000 users nationwide, it is probably a safe bet that athenaClinicals is a solid solution. This is due to the fact that there would be far less practitioners using the solution in their practices every single day if this were not true. It positions itself as a true practice partner for your practice. You can in fact, have regu...

The Bible is a book of wisdom

The Bible is a book of wisdom. From Genesis to Revelation, the verses are inspirational, educative, guiding or cautioning. The word wisdom appears in 222 different verses of the Bible. The most popular and referenced verse is James chapter 1 verse 5. Making reference to the King James Version, it says; “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that gives to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” There is no excuse therefore for anyone to lack wisdom. Interestingly, there are plenty of Christians out there who do not have wisdom and unfortunately, do not ask for it. Out of the books of the Bible, Proverbs is regarded as the book of wisdom. The word is referenced in 52 verses.  It was written thoughtfully with very encouraging and words full of wisdom from the very first chapter all the way to last. The book particularly stresses on the need for someone to get wisdom and keep. It even suggests that wisdom is better than any other pos...

Top 10 Fun date ideas on a Budget

Have a tight budget does not mean you cannot have fun on a date. Creativity is what matters. In the same way, having plenty of money does not guarantee a fun date. Enjoying the person you are spending your time with is more important in having a fun date. What you need to do is ensure your date has a lovely experience! However, you need to choose an activity that is safe for both of you. There are activities that cost nothing at all, such as, going for a walk, bike riding, hiking, or sitting at the park and telling each other stories. The advantage of this is that you get to talk more with your date and the potential of learning new things about them is very high. If there is little money to spend, go for an ice cream, cupcakes, coffee or tea. Choose a place that is not noisy yet comfortable in order to enjoy it more. Alternatively, ask your date to come over to your place and make cupcakes together. You might learn new tricks in baking in addition to having plenty of f...