How to tell your Wife she is too Skinny

Telling your wife she is too skinny is quite a task. Since people react differently to different situations, you should be able to know how she would react if she knew you think she is thin. A general guide however, regardless of whom you are addressing, is minding your words. You should be sensitive to her feelings as you deliver the message.

Before telling her how you feel, you should make sure she knows that you love her. This is very important. If she does not feel loved she might take it to be one of your ways of letting her know you do not desire her. When she is assured of your love for her, she will keep her self-esteem intact even after knowing how you feel. Remember, she might not be of the opinion she’s is too skinny.

Be cautious though; do not compare her to some other lady. This will make her jealous or worse still, suspicious. You do not want her to think you are eyeing another woman or that you prefer someone else other than her. Women have a way of twisting what they hear to suit their situation. On the same point, remember, “It is not what you say but what I hear that is important”.

Assuming that when you married your wife she was not that skinny then you can bring back old memories. Tell her how you would love for her to be the way she was back then. Let her know you loved her body then and that she does not have to put in extra effort, unnecessary effort, to stay thin. You may be surprised to find that she is keeping thin to please you. Women have the notion that they need to maintain a certain figure to remain attractive to their husbands. If she knew how you feel, you may actually save her a lot of painful “dieting”.

All in all, you need to be honest. Choose an appropriate time and be tactful. Talk to her about weight issues just to get to hear what she has to say about it. While on the topic, tell her how you would love to see her gain a little bit more weight.

Tell her how better she would look if she was just a little bit bigger. Convince her without toiling with her feelings. Let her know it is OK to eat a full meal without checking the calories. Tell her it is perfectly healthy to be a bigger size than the super model.


  1. Interesting read! Great that you also write.

    1. Thank you. I enjoy writing; it is one way I can express my thoughts and feelings at times.


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